Stay Tuned..
Stay tuned- this weekend we will be working on a DIY project for our home. We are hoping it will be complete by the end of the weekend...

What to find in our Budget Binder....
Hey Guys! So in the begginning of this new year we decided to put together a budget binder to start 2015 off with a bang! As we have been...

Behind many great and successful husband's are....
Behind many great and successful men/husbands are an encouraging wife. I have really been learning that my biggest role and desire as a...

2 Years Ago!
Two years ago today was the day that we got engaged! We are so excited to be adventuring through this life together, learning every...

Never stop being your wife's boyfriend....
Never stop being your wifes boyfriend.... As a husband for almost two years I have come to the realization that even though there is a...
2 Sinners & 2 good Forgivers.
Marriage is made up of two good forgivers. This is because every marriage is made up of two sinners. (Romans 3:23) We are all sinners,...

Pray Together
Some of the best advice and advice we would like to give for this weekly advice pick is to PRAY TOGETHER. Like our blog name is 3...

Seth Adam Smith....
Seth Adam Smith says "Real Love isn't just a euphoric, spontaneous feeling. It's a deliberate choice--- a plan to love each other for...

Finding "the" Answer!
The answer to all marriage problems..... I think that so many times we search and search and search endlessly for answers, until we wind...