Gender Reveal
My little family and I went out to the apple orchard to reveal the gender of our precious babe! Thank you to my awesome sister for...

Burgundy Long Sleeve Belted Maternity Maxi
Here is another look from Shop Pink Blush. I am wearing there simply gorgeous Burgundy Long Sleeve Belted Maternity Maxi Dress. This...

Pink Blush
Shop Pink Blush I am wearing their ivory cutout accent polman top in these photos! They have such cute maternity clothes. I am 23 weeks...
Walking in the wilderness...
Keeping your eyes on the one who has a plan already designed for you even in the seasons of change and uncertainty. It's a heck of a lot...

The Second Time Around...
I have to say it has been way to long since I have made an appearance on this blog of mine! I love blogging and writing don't get me...
I was recently a part of a training that took place in my business. Something was said that has really struck me over the last couple of...
To the mom fighting to stay awake...
About 13 months ago, I was rushing to the bathroom at all hours of the night, stumbling over what ever the floor had waiting for me as I...
Like a leaf changing in the fall, so were my opinions...
I used to care so much about other people’s opinions, that at time’s I found my own opinions started to change, like a leaf through it’s...
Long time coming...
We apologize for our time of absence on our three strands blog. We have been incredibly busy for the last 9 months and our blog kind of...