Our Three
ecclesiastes 4:12
About Us:
We are Mike and Nicole Ostropolec, thank you so much for stopping by and visiting our blog!
We started this blog journey to help us as we navigate through this incredible adventure together called marriage.
I was 18 going on 19 when we met in april of 2012 and my boyfriend at the time was 22. 6 months into our relationship a ring was bought, and in March 2013 we entered into a new chapter of being engaged. This chapter was 5 months short. I say short, and if any of you are wondering, I would totally do it again! We didn't see a point in waiting to start our lives together when our decision was already made!
We got married on August 16th 2013, a beautiful summer day. As a young couple, I was 20 and my husband was 24 Entering our new journey together called marriage- learning to love as he has loved us. (we love because God loved us first).
We have been married for a year and a half, and though we are not experts- by any means. We thought a blog could be a place where we can share some experiences we have had, especially as a young wife, and a young husband!
Our hope is that we can encourage you, weither you are single, in a relationship, or on this beautiful adventure of marriage.
We hope you enjoy <3

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Why Our Three Strands?
We chose the name of our blog as "Our Three Strands," because as we entered this adventure together one thing that we really understand is marriage is all about learning how to love like Christ.
With that being said in Ecclesiastes 4:12 it reads, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
We know that this decsion we made is a lifelong committment- till death do us part.
What we also know is that without God, it might be impossible. But with God all things are possible.
There are so many statistics of divorce. Coming from a family of divorce myself, I knew that will never be an option for us.
But without God in our relationship, and in this chapter of our lives unfortunatly we cannot be certain.
But because our rock is Christ, in our family and we have God as the center of our marriage, I hold onto the hope, and therefor can be certain that this committment we made will never be broken.
We don't want to be a statistic, and it is so heart breaking to see marriages being torn apart by this world. That is why we have chosen to lean onto God, the one who is love, and learn to love like him.
Because what the world offers to us as love, is just a distorded picture. Unless you know God, then you do not know what love is and therefor you do not know how to love.
So we are on this journey together with God as husband and wife- A cord of three strands.
About Mike
I was born in Chatham, Ontario on February 28th 1989. Welcoming me into the world was my mom, dad, grandparents and my oldest brother as well as my older twin brothers. There are two sets of twins in my family. The likely hood of my wife and I having twins is looking pretty good.
Fast forwarding to 2015, I have been learning every day what it is like to be a husband!
This adventure is more than what I could have ever imagined.
If there is any advice that I could give you as a new husband it would be to always remember the reasons why you fell in love, especially through the hard times.
And trust me there will be hard times.
It is how you handle those moments that define you as a man and a husband.
Always keep God at the center of your marriage, anything is possible through him.
About Nicole
Let's see, I was born in London, Ontario on June 7th 1993, along with my identicle twin sister. Welcoming me into the world was my mom, dad, grandparents as well as my older Brother born the same year as Mike. Yes, if you have not put the two together yet, my hubbs and I both have a twin.
I prayed for my husband before I met him, and when I met him I quickly learned that he was better than what I ever prayed for.
Fast forwarding to 2015, I am happily married to my hubbs, and a momma to our fur baby Nala. We have been enjoying this incredible adventure together.
Along this journey with us is our so faithful God, and we are learning every day to love like Jesus and to love because he first loved us.
I am so blessed to have this man in my life that God gave me, and to create our own little story during this adventure!
xoxo- Nicole
We are so happy you landed here!

Email: nicoleostropolec@gmail.com