I hate shopping...
You are probably thinking how does this relate to a marriage blog. Well, this post is basically just a post where I am about to brag on...
A Deliberate Choice...
What is love? What is the actual definition of "love"? According to the dictionary "love" is an intense feeling of deep affection....

Weekly Advice Pick....
You've gotta water- nurish your marriage folks! #weeklypick
How did this happen?
Hey friends! Today I just wanted to share with you how my husband and I were able to have our best month in business last month and how...
Not experts...
We don't write this blog because we are experts in the "marriage" field. Simply because we are not even close to experts. We are a young...

Be open with each other..
This weekly advice pick is about being open with each other. Share everything with your spouse especially everything that you are...

New on the blog!
Check out our new page on the blog called "Your Story." We have personally seen blessing in learning from other people's stories and the...
A prayer for your marraige
Dear God, Thank you for everything that you have done in my life, and our life together as a family. Thank you for the place you have set...