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To the Marriage who has forgotten God..

To the Marriage who has forgotten God,

My husband and I have joined a marriage bible study and as we are just starting out, there were a few questions that we had to discuss before our next session.

One of the question's that really stood out was this one...

What place does the Lord play in your marriage?

There was a moment of quietness after reading this question.

See before getting married, my relationship with God was just between the two of us. Me and God.

Then I got married and somehow I had to take that relationship with God and not get rid of it or anything, but I had to establish a new relationship between God, myself and my husband.

It is actually a lot harder then said. It was always just me and God, you know.

And then all of a sudden I have this other person that I had to include in that relationship.

I'm not quit sure we have even mastered it yet, after over 2 years of marriage.

"What place does the Lord play in your marriage?"

I'd love to jump out and say, he is the center of our marriage. Hand's down.

But I think he is more like the center of me being a wife, and the center of my husband being a husband.

If that makes any sense. I will try to clarify...

I'm pretty good at praying and seeking the Lord as a wife, maintaining that me and him relationship. And my husband is good at praying and seeking the Lord as a man & husband, also maintaining that relationship between him and God.

But together, as husband and wife we struggle to maintain that relationship with God.

Praying together, and seeking the Lord together hand in hand as husband and wife. It has been a struggle for us.

I find we pray more individually then we do together.

God designed marriage, and we are to love like God. The entire bible has so much about how to have a successful marriage, because that is what God wants for us.

But without God, it is impossible to have that type of success. Just take a look at the world's divorce rates.

So I don't think it is ridiculous for me to say that if you want your marriage to succeed, to get through the thick and the thin, to persist, and to not give up then you need to keep God in the center of your marriage.

What does this look like?

Let's try this together...

1) Pray Together:

Get past the excuses of "I'm too shy, we can't find time, or my spouse is better at praying." Just do it. Both of you. Is it really hard to pray for someone you love so incredibly much? I know I am guilty of this myself, I find when we do pray together, my husband will pray far more than I do. Then I get thinking, wow, you know that feeling when your husband prays- it just lifts you up in a way like no other, there is something about a man who prays for his wife that is incredibly sexy. So the way that I feel when my husband prays, he could feel like that too if I just stood up and prayed as well. HELLO. What am I doing?

You don't need to stop praying individually but you definatly need to pray together as husband and wife in order to keep God in the center of your marriage.

2) Read the Bible Together:

Yes it is good to read the bible individually but what could a marriage look like if you read the bible together? You've got to keep the word in your marriage, and reading the bible together will definatly keep God in the center of your marriage. So much growth comes from learning from his great word together. You need to be encouraged in your marriage, otherwise you will get to a place of discouragement and wondering if it is all worth it. YES marriage is worth it. In today's society and how marriage has become we need to read his word together and be reminded why it is totally and beautifully worth it.

3) Attend Church Together:

Like reading the bible growth comes from attending church together. Attending church together is a way for you not just to grow individually but together as husband and wife. It also gives you the ability to meet more couples who are walking through some of the same stages as life as you are, encouraging each other! Make a decision to go to church together, you will definatly see God doing things in your marriage- because you are showing him, that you want him in the center of your marriage. You are making a deliberate choice to learn from God together, and God will bless your marriage.

These are just 3 examples of how you can keep God in the center of your marriage.

Because in a world today that has completely distorted the meaning of marriage and has sold us so many lies about marriage, it can be hard someday's to maintain that christ centered marriage.

Keep pressing on... Marriage alone is challenging, could you imagine having to do it without God?

Some of you maybe trying to navigate this gift of marriage alone, I'm here to tell you that you don't have to anymore.

Let God be the glue in your marriage, the glue that hold's you together. You don't have to be the glue anymore. Let go and let God.


A Husband and Wife who at time's forget God,

but are determined to fight everyday to keep him in the center of our marriage!


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