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I was recently a part of a training that took place in my business.

Something was said that has really struck me over the last couple of days. Struck me hard enough to be sitting here writing about it.

I felt totally convicted about it, but also excited to just be different because of it.

If everyone in this world knew this, if they truly whole heartedly believed this one thing I am about to share than our society, our world would be changed instantly and drastically for the good of everyone.

I'm talking, no more wars, no more divorce, no more suicide, no more hatred, no more people sewing people, no more bullying, no more division, no more racism...

If we all could just fathom this and just grasp it, we would free a lot of people from the pain we are facing today, or the pain we have faced in the past.

People wouldn't judge, and criticize people anymore. People would literally just love.

We would see past the surface. Do you know what the definition of "surface" actually is?

Surface- is the outside part or uppermost layer of something.

It's judging the person in the checkout line behind you by the colour of their hair. It's judging the mom in the grocery store with the screaming 2 year old and a new born in her arms scrambling not to drop the carton of eggs in her hands. It's gossiping about someone you literally don't even know, just because your family is talking about them. It's judging the wife who dresses the way she does.

If we could just comprehend this one thing, and just know deep inside us through all circumstances, then judging people based on their surface, wouldn't even happen. It wouldn't even be considered. It wouldn't even be known.

Could you imagine a life like this?

Let's just picture it.

Let's get to that place. The place of not judging someone you don't even know.

A life where war would be extinct. Divorce would be extinct. Suicide would be extinct. Hatred would be extinct. Racism would be extinct. Division would be extinct.

And love would prevail.

If we all just knew with everything in us, that we are all made in God's image.

If we all just believed with every fibre in us that the person in the checkout line with the bright hair was made in God's image we wouldn't judge them. I we all just believed that the mom in the grocery store with a screaming 2 year old and newborn scrambling for eggs was made in God's image, then we wouldn't stare and say under our breath "shut your kid up." If we all just believed that the stranger your family is talking about is made in God's image we wouldn't gossip about them. If we all just believed that the wife who dresses in the clothes she does is made in God's image then we wouldn't judge her.

If we all believed that our spouses were made in God's image, then there would be no more divorce.

If we all believed that every single person on this earth was made in God's image. Which is the truth. Than we wouldn't dare judge someone else. We wouldn't start a war. We wouldn't end our own lives. We wouldn't hate. We wouldn't be racist. We wouldn't cause division.

We would solely, truly and whole heartedly love.

Because who are we to judge the image of God. Who are we to not love.

Who are we to hate someone made in his image. Who are we.

Who are we?

We are a people made in God's image. We are a people who God's only Son died so that we could live.

The next time that you are arguing with your husband or your wife, remember they are made in God's image.

The next time you are gossiping about a stranger you don't even know, remember that they are made in God's image.

The next time you are judging the person behind you in the check out line, or the mom in the grocery store, remember they are made in God's image.

The next time you say you hate someone, remember they are made in God's image.

The next time you put yourself down, remember you were made in God's image.

God made everyone, literally EVERYONE on this planet in HIS IMAGE. Who are we to judge him? Who are we to judge his work? Without him, we would have nothing. We would be nothing.

Who are we to judge him?

Choose love. Choose to remember everyone is made in his image. Every single person on this planet, the ones who have hurt you, the ones who have judged you, the ones you have hurt, the ones you have judged, every single person in this world was made in God's beautiful image.

Don't criticize and judge his work.

He is everything good.

And the next time you go to judge, criticizes, assume or gossip about someone remember that you are judging, criticizing, gossiping and making assumption's about God, his work and his beautiful masterpieces.


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