A really good Story!
Hey friends! I was going to write a post today, and then I came across a post on facebook and decided that I needed to share it with you!...

Forgive Freely!
When you get married you say your vows to each other, I vow to respect you, honor you... to love you in sickness, and in health.. in...

He's pretty great. Actually aside from God he's one of the best things that has ever happen to me. Couldn't imagine this adventure with...

Half of a Puzzle...
This was placed on my heart literally like 1 minute ago and I thought that I should share it with you, infact I felt convicted to share...

Technology or Love?
I've been starring at this screen for quit sometime trying to figure out how to talk about this topic. Not because it is a difficult to...

Quote of the day...

Greatest Encourager!
Always be each others greatest encourager! We know that one of the biggest roles as husband and wife is to be each others greatest...

Home DIY! New Lights!
So this weekend we tackled this DIY! We have been wanting to change the lights in our house since we moved in but didn't want to spend a...

Changes in it's time...
If you want your marriage to change, then you first need to change. It sounds so simple, and effertless to just change, like a leaf...

Protect your spouse when they aren't around!
Don't talk bad about your spouse in front of ANYONE EVER. Don't ever bad mouth your spouse and don't ever let someone else do it either....