You've got to date your spouse!
This weeks, #weeklypick is all about dating your spouse. You seriously need to date your spouse. If you are wondering what a cheap but...

"A husband and wife build a home together. God is our foundation.."- Jon & Kathy
Hey all! I am so excited! I have had this opportunity to have met one of the most amazing couples that I know, and am blessed to have...

Never bring up mistakes from the past..
Mistakes from the past... never bring those up to your spouse. When you have forgiven your spouse for something they have done once you...

Weekly Advice Pick....
You've gotta water- nurish your marriage folks! #weeklypick

Be open with each other..
This weekly advice pick is about being open with each other. Share everything with your spouse especially everything that you are...

Don't criticize your spouse family...
Complaining to your spouse about their family is only going to make them feel embarrased and will cause friction in your marriage. You...

Learn to Agree to Disagree
Learn to agree to disagree. It is important to be able to handle each others differences, because we are not all the same, and we do not...

A Happy Wife is a Happy Life...
Sure you have probably heard this saying before with slight sarcasm following. "A happy wife is a happy life." But if you actually think...

Forgive Freely!
When you get married you say your vows to each other, I vow to respect you, honor you... to love you in sickness, and in health.. in...

Greatest Encourager!
Always be each others greatest encourager! We know that one of the biggest roles as husband and wife is to be each others greatest...